Empowerment cards

Sometimes we just need a bit of extra help.

Whatever our position in life, whatever we are trying to achieve, for ourselves, our family, our business, our clients, we can hit a stumbling block that leaves us questioning our ability, doubting our adequacy and robbing our self-confidence.

Whatever we are trying to achieve, sometimes we get in our own way, and we don’t really understand why we aren’t performing as well as we hoped.

I’ve developed The Empowerment cards as a quick and easy tool to help your mind focus on attracting the successes, achievements and goals you are aiming for.

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Consciously we might be very positive, ready and driven to follow our goals however, we all run about 95% of our lives with our sub-conscious minds. The sub-conscious mind develops between the ages of 0- 7 years. Unfortunately, our conscious mind doesn’t really catch up and develop sufficiently to understand what we are absorbing until we are around 7.

Consequently, we don’t really know what have stored in our sub-conscious mind, or how it might be impacting our actions and responses. It is often these unconscious thoughts that sabotage our progression.

Experts have proven, that by telling ourselves anything more than three times, we create neuro pathways that we start to believe in. This process is called self-hypnosis and it works really well on the sub-conscious mind.

Just as we unconsciously create sabotaging pathways by telling ourselves negatives things, we can easily reverse the process by repeating positive statements.

The Empowerment Cards’ use self-hypnosis techniques and the power of positive thinking to help re-programme the sub-conscious mind

Using numerology as a benchmark, ‘The Empowerment Cards’ cover nine aspects of what we would normally do in our daily lives, offering 36 different affirmations.

Using the sway test or your preferred self-test method, we can use the cards to find the current key issue/s to work on.

You can use this self-hypnosis tool to change the way our sub-conscious mind responds to those issues. (If you don’t get along with self-testing or don’t know how to use it, download the free ‘self-testing Wheel’ for the Empowerment Cards with full instructions)

Download the Self-testing Wheel

So how do we use the Empowerment Cards?

The best place to start is first thing in the morning, in front of the mirror, if you can. Before the unsupportive internal dialogue has woken up.

Use The Empowerment Cards to ensure you start the day by telling yourself something supportive, let them empower you to face the day in a positive frame of mind, use them to help you stay that way, throughout the day.

Once you have discovered the correct affirmation/s to work on, look directly in a mirror if you can. Before the unsupported dialogue has woken up.

Use the Empowerment Cards to ensure you start the day by telling yourself something supportive, let them empower you to face the day in a positive frame of mind, use them to help you stay that way throughout the day.

Once you have discovered the correct affirmations. to work on look directly into the mirror.

Take a very deep breath, to fully oxygenate the brain and, with both hands crossed over the card, to engage the left and right brain, say the chosen affirmation 3 times, taking deep breaths in between.

Revisit your affirmations as often as you wish, especially if you are having a negative moment.